Cupping Therapy

Cupping therapy is likely to be incorporated into treatment for a variety of conditions from muscular pain to chesty coughs or asthma to menstrual pain & digestive dysfunction.

Cupping works by promoting blood flow to the local area and stimulating the release of pain-relieving substances. Cupping also influences the endocrine and immune systems, engaging the body's natural defence and anti-inflammatory mechanisms.

An oil will be applied to your skin, and the cups will either be moved along an area of the body, or placed in particular locations and left in position for some time. 

You may acquire ‘cupping marks’ on your skin; circular marks that look similar to bruising. These marks will fade within 24 hours and usually disappear within a week or two.

Cupping can be a deeply relaxing experience. The pressure and intensity are adjusted according to your needs and pain tolerance. The experience is often likened to a deep tissue massage, just less painful.


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