We support you holistically in finding good health with a focus on:

  • Mental health & emotional wellbeing

    Chinese Medicine is uniquely able to support you with symptoms that present alongside anxiety, depression, stress, and ADHD. In Chinese Medicine, a person's body, mind, and spirit are not separate but considered one. A human is viewed as a microcosm (or reflection) of the universe surrounding them. Since ancient times, in healing traditions, it has been recognised that emotional disharmony is at the root of many disease states. At Vessel Acupuncture + Chinese Medicine, we work collaboratively with your existing care team to provide evidence-based, heart-led support for mental & emotional health.

  • Digestive health

    It all starts with the gut! Nothing is more fundamental to health than a well-functioning digestive system (well, maybe sleep). So much of Chinese Medicine is concerned with the health of the digestive system, and we love asking about your poop because it reveals a great deal about your health. Nausea, reflux, bloating, fatigue after eating, big appetite, no appetite, constipation, and stress-induced diarrhea may all respond positively to herbs + acupuncture. Acupuncture engages with the nervous system to either stimulate or relax gut motility. One of my favourite ways to engage with the digestive system is by accessing the vagus nerve with gentle acupuncture to harmonise + balance the whole system.

  • Hormones, perimenopause, menstrual (period) health, pregnancy support & labour preparation

    Acupuncture + Chinese medicine can support your menstrual + hormonal health at any season of life. Here for you through puberty, and early cycling years, supporting your periods to be regular and pain-free, through pregnancy and in the lead-up to labour right through to perimenopause and menopause. Acupuncture has long been assisting people with pelvic pain (whether or not it is associated with endometriosis) and irregular cycles (whether or not they are associated with PCOS). And as a holistic practice, acupuncture may support some of the symptoms of perimenopause, like low energy + fatigue, disturbed sleep, hot flushes, anxiety + mood fluctuations, and metabolic health.

  • Sleep

    A guiding principle of Chinese medicine is the interplay of yin and yang. When we are in harmony with the daily fluctuations of yin and yang, we expend energy out into the world through the day, and as night comes, we become yin - lying down, welcoming rest. Our body and mind are nourished and restored by entering this deep yin state. Acupuncture supports sleep by influencing neurotransmitters + hormones, I also use sleep hygiene tools to help you find daily practices to improve your sleep. For some, sleep can be elusive. And when we sleep badly or too little, especially if this is chronic, we face the day exhausted and unrepaired. We function poorly; our vigour, health and immune system are affected.

  • Chronic pain, headaches & migraines

    Acupuncture for pain is the most researched area in Chinese medicine, and pain is often the reason someone first walks through the door. Acupuncture has shown effectiveness in alleviating pain related to conditions like arthritis, lower back pain, neuropathic pain, and fibromyalgia. Also, by promoting tissue repair, acupuncture can support recovery from injury. Quality research has shown acupuncture to be as effective as conventional medicine in migraine prevention. Also, by addressing muscle tension, improving blood flow, and engaging with the natural pain relief mediated by the central nervous system, acupuncture may help reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches.

  • General health (metabolic health, energy, immunity & longevity)

    Longevity is an attribute of a good life. By following the teachings of the life nourishment tradition (yangsheng), all of us can increase our chances of living well and long. Acupuncture can support longevity by regulating immune function and stimulating anti-inflammatory responses. Also, acupuncture may improve energy levels, supporting you to enjoy this life. Generally, belief in an afterlife is not part of Eastern spiritual and philosophical traditions. This life is the only one we have. It arose through the coming together of matter and energy, and at death, will disperse to be absorbed again into ‘heaven and earth’. How rare and precious it is, and how vital it is to enjoy, protect and preserve it.